
Even if Eressea can theoretically be played with no more software than a text editor, additional tools have been created in the course of the time. These can represent graphic maps, validate orders, automate units, or give more insight into the report. Most of these programs require the computer report (CR).


The most widely adopted program is Magellan. It can help you display the known map of the world, search the report, give orders, and more. You really only need to leave it so send email to your allies. Magellan is a Java application, and runs on all major Desktops including Windows, Linux und macOS.

English-language support is built into Magellan.

Screenshot of Magellan on Windows XP


The Coast ‘n Sea Mapper is a native application for Linux and Windows that’s similar to Magellan. It does not have all of the same bells and whistles, but it’s fast and requires fewer system resources.

CsMap is currently only available in a German language version.

  • The current Version for Windows can be downloaded here.
  • A Debian Linux package is available from packagecloud.
  • If you’d like to modify the code or compile your own version, you can do so by cloning the github project.
Screenshot of CsMap on Windows 11


The original syntax checker also used by the server to respond to your incoming order emails. In addition to validating the syntax of your orders, it can find some other common mistakes, and is useful to have installed on your local machine. ECheck is a console application, so it’s possible to run it from editors like Notepad++ or from CsMap.

ECheck is able to check both English and German orders.

  • The current Version for Windows can be downloaded here.
  • A Debian Linux package is available from packagecloud.
  • If you’d like to modify the code or compile your own version, you can do so by cloning the github project.


Vorlage is a tool to create a richer template for your orders with additional information not included in the one sent with the weekly report. It can also be used to automate units through the use of programmable meta-commands.